Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1 Year Blogging Anniversary!

So while I'm still waiting for my computer to be fixed, my 1 Year Blogging Anniversary came and went on the 29th! Can't believe it's been a year! I wish I had something fun for this post but since my computer is still out of commission, there's nothing too exciting to do.

I've definitely learned a lot since I started and am so glad that I decided to record Roweyn's First Year. I do wish I had posted more of some of the little things she did that I now may not remember, so I'm hoping that for this next year I will be better at that. Because afterall, the reason I started this blog was to keep record of all the exciting and sometimes not so exciting things of having a baby. We all know, as much as we would like to remember everything, it's not always possible...especially with the lack of sleep we get!

So that being said, I think what I am going to try to do is a weekly post of all the funny, not so funny and anything in between things that Roweyn did for the week. I think I'm going to post it on Fridays and see how it goes. I'd like to think of a name to call it but at the moment my mind is blank. So if you have any suggestions, preferably one that starts with the letter "F" like "Freaky Friday" but actually has something to do with my idea, then I would love the suggestions! I'm always terrible at this sort of thing!

Tomorrow we might actually get a photo up for "Wordless Wednesday" since I can use the computer at our wonderful work P.Pants Cloth Diapers!


  1. Hi there--I'm your newest follower from the Winter Wednesday Hop!!

    Michele aka MikiHope


  2. Congrats! I hope I can make it to a year..I am your newest follower by the way


  3. Your header and daughter are SOO cute! You're quite beautiful too! :)

    I am a new follower/Networked Blog FAN!

    I've got a cloth diaper giveaway coming soon, you'll have to come and follow me to see it!



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