Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Roweyn's 9.5 Month Check Up

So I know I'm a bit late, since Roweyn's last check up was when she was 9.5 months (even though it's supposed to be at 9 months) but these past couple weeks have been insane. I'm only a few weeks late so I guess it's not that bad.
Roweyn's Stats
Height: 27 inches
Weight: 14 lbs 5 oz
Head: 16.5 inches

So as you can see, she is still a tiny little bean. She actually dropped a little on her growing curve which means shes not gaining as much as she was. Most likely due to being more active now that she is crawling and cruising around furniture. But because of that we have to go back in a month to check her weight, instead of waiting until she is a year old for her One Year Check Up. Her doctor says not to worry, she's obviously doing great, but it's just a precaution.

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