Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Roweyn's Ramblings Wk.20 | Finally!

This week will mostly be about photos. Sadly I just don't have the energy today to do a big post.

Sunday was Father's Day and my Mama's Birthday. They took off Saturday and headed up to Squaw Valley. I took Tayelor and Roweyn and we met up with them at the hotel along with my brother. We ate breakfast and then spent the day outside at the pool. It was only in the 60s but it was a great day and we got lots of sun.

Monday I worked, came home and spent the rest of the evening outside with Roweyn. She played in the sand in our beach and then ran around naked in the yard, playing in her pool. And slept soundly that night. Just look at the photo of her! So precious!

Tuesday I worked part of the day, came home and snuggled on the couch with Roweyn and Cyder for the evening. And Wednesday, we spent more time outside, swinging and playing in the yard.

Thursday we spent my day off playing outside in the sand and pool. That's about all we do lately now that the weather is nice. Spend the day outside! Roweyn is obsessed with being out there and will stand at our sliding door and point outside until we go.

Friday I spent the morning at work, getting my hair done and then working. And of course when I came home, Roweyn and I spent most of the rest of the day outside playing after a little rest for Mama on the couch.

Saturday I had to do hair for a wedding party and my mom was at Tayelor's swim meet so I had to get Rowe ready to be in the sun all day with my mom. I put Roweyn's hair in a ponytail for the very first time and she left it for quite awhile (first photo)! But after she pulled it out I decided to try to do a pig tail (second photo). She left it in for most of the day and she looked SO cute! I went to work, got my hair finished and came home to my darling girl who I shared a cupcake with, well mainly just the icing. 

Sunday was another day off for me and we spent another day mainly just hanging out again! We played outside all morning, which exhausted Rowe, and then we played more outside after naptime and then did some cleaning to get ready for 4th of July weekend.

We've been linking up over at a good life for their weekday recap in IPhone Pics the past few weeks now and thought I would add the linky in case you want to link up too!

Monday, June 27, 2011


I'm behind this week on posts, if you haven't already noticed. I didn't get to them yesterday and today was an extremely long and exhausting day at work. And I should totally be in bed right now. Roweyn's Ramblings is part way done so it will hopefully be up by tomorrow!

My baby is 1.5 years old today but I was at work for 9 hours and gone for 10 so I hardly got to see her. :( We had a fun night outside though and we have a fun week/weekend ahead of us so I won't be dwelling on the time I couldn't be with her but spending every moment in the present with her.

I found this quote on pinterest and it's something I told a lot of people after becoming pregnant and having Roweyn. And it pretty much describes myself perfectly so I thought I would share it.

Source: via Ash on Pinterest

Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy 17 Months!


You are already closer to18 months, than 17 months. I really can't believe how time flies. I swear just yesterday you were this little teeny baby, and yes you are still teeny, but really you are not even close to a baby anymore. You are most certainly a full fledged toddler! 

You are SO busy! I can't even try to keep up with you. As soon as I clean one thing up you're already into 3 other things. And they're usually things you shouldn't be in, you're now reaching onto counters and tables still taller than your head, yet you are still able to grab so much off of them.

You're becoming more and more independent. What the heck?! I thought I still had at least another 6 months or more before this stage hit.

You crack me up every day with the faces you make and the way you talk. I love that we can just look at each other and start laughing for no reason. You understand EVERYTHING we say to you and you are becoming quite good at expressing yourself and what you want. You say and do things that I have no clue how you learned and am just amazed by how smart you really are. You pick up on everything around you and you are so curious of your surroundings.

You have 16 teeth now! 16!!! All of them except for your two year old molars, which knowing you, will probably come before you're two. Your sleep habits have been pretty much the same for the last month or two. Sleeping in your stroller for naps, which you take at about the same time every day. And sleeping at night, you seem to show the same patterns but you usually have at least one to two nights a week where you are sleeping in till close to 6am in your own bed and then I pull you into mine for a couple more hours. You almost never sleep past 8:15 now and you always have a fun way of waking me up, whether it be, poking me in the face, patting my chest, talking or just trying to climb off the bed.

You still love playing with Cyder but have gotten much more rough with her and as much as Cyder loves you, she's not so fond of being hit or squeezed by your many hugs hundreds of times a day. And yet she just jumps up and licks you afterwards.

You're such an awesome kiddo. I am so so so proud to be your Mama and so extremely lucky. You are my everything and you mean more than the world to me. I loved you so much before you were even born, more than you can even imagine, and yet my love for you grows even more every day. I look forward to each day I have with you and am always so excited to see what you will do next.

Love you much!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wordless Wednesday!

Roweyn napping at the pool in Squaw Valley on Father's Day and Nana's Birthday

Monday, June 20, 2011

Movie Monday: Week Twenty Nine

I totally climbed in bed and forgot to post this! So here it is, super late!!

We had such a great day yesterday in Squaw Valley celebrating both Father's Day with my Dad and my Mom's Birthday! Photos to come soon!

The two videos this week of Roweyn are when she is almost 14.5 months. We got her a little play vacuum back in March, because she had been obsessed with the real one which we saw in the videos of her from last week. She loves playing with it and being chased by it! Her giggles and squeals are so cute! Not to mention she kills me watching her in the little stripped tights she is wearing!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Roweyn's Ramblings Wk.19

I started my week with another day off on Monday before heading back to work on Tuesday. Monday was a pretty laid back day, I spent part of it dyeing more feathers for hair feather extensions. I'm gonna try to put up a tutorial soon! It's pretty easy and the colors turned out great! I felt so crafty since I hardly ever make anything. haha I wish I did crafty stuff more often.

Tuesday I worked and when I got home we decided to head over the the beach for a bit to play in the sand and water. Rowe is loving every minute of it! I'm thinking of making it a weekly thing because she is just enjoying the water and the beach so much. She runs into the water with no fear, so keeping an eye on her is a must at all times.

I had a long day of work on Wednesday so Roweyn spent the day with Nana and Auntie Tayelor, playing outside and having a fun day. When I got home we spent the rest of our day together. While Rowe was eating she dropped a little glass bowl off the side of her highchair. I've been giving her glass bowls since she started eating food and she has NEVER even attempted to drop or throw the bowls before. There was glass EVERYWHERE! It took me! so long to clean it all up!

Thursday I worked in the evening, so we did some cleaning and laundry and had a quick visit with our friends Shay and her daughter Riley who is around 9 months old. It was our first time meeting Riley as they live down in Southern California, she is so cute! Roweyn loved playing with her and totally understood that she was younger than her.

I spent the early morning and afternoon at work on Friday. I got a little waxing done on myself before work and then after work I got the first process of coloring my hair done and while it was processing I got an airbrush tan that we just got at our salon. So I basically had a day of pampering before and after work.

When I came home, I found Roweyn's adorable new sandals from See Kai Run had arrived! I got them 30% off too! SCORE!! They are so freaking cute, BUT they're too big! I'm so bummed! I ordered the same size as the other shoes she has from them but it looks like they give more room in the sandals, so I bought the next size down right away and will send back the bigger size as soon as the smaller pair comes and I can make sure that those fit her better.

I walked outside to find Roweyn skinny dipping in her pool. She had been in there over an hour playing with Nana and Auntie Tayelor and didn't want to get out. While I was out there she laid down on her belly and was kicking and swimming. It was super cute, and it was the first time she'd ever done that! She even put her face in the water! She is such a water baby.

We spent the morning on Saturday at Tayelor's swim meet cheering her on. Roweyn really wanted to get into the pool with all the other swimmers. We came home and took a nap, did some laundry and then headed outside to play in the pool and the sand. After we got all cleaned up we had a girls night with Tayelor and had fun doing some secret stuff for today.

Today is both Father's Day AND my Mama's Birthday, so they left yesterday to head up to Squaw Valley for the night for a little get away. So today we are meeting them up there along with my brother Trevor to spend the day with them. I'm sure there will be lots of photos taken and I will be sure to have them posted on another day. :)

So Happy Fathers Day to all you Dada's out there, especially mine! And of course Happy Birthday to my wonderful Mama! You both are amazing people and parents and I wouldn't be here today without the two of you! I am so glad Roweyn is so close to her Nana and Papa and can experience the love that I had and still have, as well from the two of you. I am so grateful for you guys. Love you!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Movie Monday: Week Twenty Eight

Oh it's Monday yet again! I didn't work today and yet I have found myself so busy that I am unable to post this until after 11. Roweyn and I got to see one of my best friends tonight that we haven't seen for months and won't see again for another few months, so this being posted late is definitely worth it!

These videos of Rowe are when she is 14 months. She really started to get into helping at this age. It was really cute. I always say "I hope she's this helpful when she's older!". haha She wanted to help sweep and vacuum, so we let her!

P.S. Roweyn is 17.5 months old today! I can't believe she will be a year and a half in half a month! This is nuts!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Roweyn's Ramblings Wk.18

This has been such a fun week! I worked Monday and Tuesday and have had the rest of the week off, so I've been spending all my time doing stuff with Roweyn. We're finally having amazing weather and have been busy every day.

Wednesday, we ran some errands to get my supplies to hand dye feathers for feather extensions. Then we went over to Trisha and Kashmir's house for a play date.

On Thursday we got to meet up with friends Michele and Izabella who's almost 2.5, we hadn't seen them for months! We went to the park and the girls had fun running around on the grass and playing on the playground. We didn't realize it was going to be so hot though! It was over 80 degrees and the playground was hot so the girls didn't play for too long on it. Afterwards we got frozen yogurt. I have been craving frozen yogurt for weeks and finally I got some! It definitely didn't help that everyone kept posting their photos on instagram of their frozen yogurt. Every time I saw it, it just made me want it more.

Friday we headed down to Auburn and met up with some new friends Jenna and Maci. We had fun playing at their house and we went out back to play in their new little pool. The girls loved it. Roweyn had so much fun in the pool that afterwards I ran over to target and bought her an even bigger one to play in all summer in our yard.

Roweyn got her first little booboo on her knee before we left. She didn't fall that hard, and yet she got a really good bruise and scrape from it. She handled it really well though.

When we got home, Roweyn was overly tired and hungry and while I was trying to get her some food, I sliced my knuckle open on a can. It was deep enough to not even hurt and I was pretty shocked by it. It's a pretty small cut but I could tell it was deep and it didn't want to stop bleeding for at least 30 minutes. It was really stressful, I had a very upset toddler and a finger that wouldn't stop bleeding on my hand that I really needed in order to help Roweyn. But we got through it and it ended up being okay in the end.

Saturday, I blew up Roweyn's new baby pool and filled it with water in the morning so that it would get warm enough by afternoon to swim in. We ended up going over to the beach instead and spent a couple hours there, playing in the water and sand. It was a bummer because it was actually overcast and windy so it wasn't the best day to be at the beach. A lot more photos here! Rowe had a super short nap on the way there so when we got back home, we had some food and then I put her down for a late nap. I ended up napping too and we slept for 2 hours! :/ Apparently we were tired! It was late but much needed. I even had to wake Roweyn up because she was still asleep. It did make us go to bed later than usual but I think after today we will be back on schedule.

Today we spent the morning relaxing. I put Rowe down for a nap and then got busy hand dyeing feathers for hair feather extensions. There was a little trial and error but I think I figured it out! After she woke up, we got everything ready and headed outside for some pool time. Finally! The water had been warming up all day and it was like bath water. haha Rowe loved it though and we spent the rest of the afternoon splashing in the water and sun bathing.

She was so tired that she was ready for bed by 8 and is sleeping soundly now. The photos below show even more fun we were having. And the rest of our beach photos are in the Steppin' Out Saturday post that will be going up.

Steppin' Out Saturday

We spent the day at the beach at our lake yesterday. Sadly it wasn't the best day, as it was overcast and windy, but we still had a fun time! Roweyn wanted to jump right into the lake despite it being a little chilly. She tried to pull me in quite a few times! She had lots of fun playing in the sand and didn't even try to eat it, she only tried to drink the sand water we had in the bucket. haha

My Deets:
Sweater & Shorts - Urban Outfitters
Tank - Vintage from my Mama's Closet
Sunnies: Gift

Roweyn's Deets:
Top & Onsie - Carter's

Outfit Change
Rowe's Deets:
Sweater - Baby Gap
Tank Dress - Gift
Capris - Carter's

Be sure to check out Harper's Happenings, Mandy is the host of Steppin' Out Saturday! 
Just click the link below.


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